A downloadable game


Disclaimer: This is still an ongoing project.

这是一款水墨风格的双人协作横版文字解谜游戏。我们是来自上海视觉艺术学院,中国传媒大学南广学院,纽约大学以及上海交通大学的一个五人组成的Tantrum Studio团队。我们想试一试能不能在有限的时间里做出一个完整度较高的游戏,经历了一段痛苦的并仍在进行的迭代时光,虽然现在还有很多不够好的地方,但《们》终于能和大家见面啦。

We are Tantrum Studio, and our five members come from Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts, Communication University of China, Nanguang College, New York University and Shanghai Jiaotong University. After a hard period inventing and improving the game (and we will keep doing so), we hereby presents our game: Us(们).


[Background] (Subject to small changes): A kid who was separated from his father(also his teacher) due to warfare leaves the chaos created by the war and wanders around in the four seasons seeking for his father. His father once taught him about the Chinese character “门”(Roughly pronounces as “men”, means door), and he proceeds his journey remembering how he learned about this character.



[Core Gameplay] : Assemble new Chinese characters with Door (a character) and other objects in the game to acquire new skills, which can be used to solve puzzles.


Every chapter will be a puzzle based on a new Chinese character related to “门”, door, and the story of learning and searching of father lies beneath the chapters. We have completed three levels: Seeking, Guyu(Spring) and Dashu(Summer), and will produce Hanjiang(Fall) and Dahan(Winter) soon. Stay tuned!


Longing and Seeking of a child, sorrow and happiness along the way, Precious experience of learning from parents … we sincerely invite you to hear our story.


备注:视频中的背景音乐来自于 fhttp://sc.chinaz.com/

Note: All BGM and SFX comes from fhttp://sc.chinaz.com/.


For copyright issues, please contact jonathonsongdesign@gmail.com. Thanks!

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